Sunday 25 March 2012

Arts and Graphics

Pencil Shading:

Still life objects:

From Nature:


Plan for a Flat

Plan for a 2BHK Flat:


Scales Used:
For Shoring: 1:10
For Details: 1:50
All dimensions in MM.

The term 'shoring' is applied to construction of the temporary structure required to support an unsafe structure.
The types of shoring:

  • Raking Shoring-This is a system of giving temporary supprt to an unsafe wall. The construction of  raking shore, also known as Inclined Shore, varies with conditions of the site. In all cases, Wall plate is 23cm X 5cm to 23cm X 7.6cm.

  • Flying Shoring- Its a system of providing temporary support to the parting walls of two buildings where the intermediate building is to be pulled down and rebuilt. It consists of wall plates, needles, cleats, horizontal struts etc.

  • Vertical or Dead Shoring- This is the system of shoring which is used to render vertical support to walls and roofs, floors etc., When the lower part of  a building has to be removed for the purpose of providing an opening in a wall or to rebuild a defective load bearing wall in a structure. 

Doors And Windows

Scales used:
For Elevation and Plan- 1:10
For Details- 1:2 and 1:5
All dimensions in MM

A door maybe defined as a framework of wood, steel, aluminium, glass or a combination of these materials secured in an opening, left in a wall for the purpose of providing access to the users of the structures. It consists of door frames and hardware.
Door Frame and Hardware

Types of doors:

  • Ledged, Braced and Battened Door
  • Ledged and Battened Door
  • Wire-Mesh Door
  • Glazed Door
  • Double Panel Door
Ledged, Braced And Battened Door

It maybe defined as an opening made in a wall for the purpose of providing day light, vision and ventilation. The construction of a window is identical to that of a door. It consists of Window frame, Shutter, Jambs, Head and Sill.
Classification of windows:
  • Glazed Windows
  • Fixed Windows
  • Pivoted Windows
  • Sliding Windows
  • Double hung Windows,etc.


Carpentry Joints

Carpentry Joints:
Carpentry is the term applied to that form of wood work in which the wooden members are subjected to loads or thrusts. Classification of joints:
  • Lengthening Joints- These joints are used to lengthen a wooden member. The method of lengthening the member varies with its situation in a framed structure. Thus, lengthening joints are further classified into:                            
  1. Lapped joint
  2. Scarfed joint
  3. Fished joint
  4. Table joint
Lengthening Joints
  • Angle or corner Joints- When two members are to be framed so as to form a corner or angular edge, the angle or corner joints are used. They can be divided into:
  1. Simple butt
  2. Grooved and Tongued
  3. Mitred and Rebated
  4. Mitred
  5. Rebated butt and braced, etc.
Angle or Corner Joints


An arch maybe defined as the mechanical arrangement of wedge-shaped blocks of stones or bricks mutually supporting each other and supported at the end by piers or abutments. The function of an arch is to carry the weight of the structure above the opening. They can be of different shapes:

  • Semi-circular 
  • Segmental 
  • Horse Shoe 
  • Slited
  • Equateral
  • Isoceles
  • Venetian
  • Florentine
  • Ellpitical,etc.

Arches-Acc. to shape and centering
Arches-One Centered
Arches-Two,Three and Four Centered

Decorative Brick Work:

Copings and Corbels

Scale used: 1:10
All dimensions in MM

Covering placed on the exposed top of an external wall. Provided to prevent the seepage of water through joints on the topmost course of wall.

Extension of one or more courses of brick or stone from the face of the wall. Also,serves as a support for wall plate,etc.



Scale used- 1:10
All dimension is MM.

Its the lowest most part of a structure which provides a base for the super-structure. Its the portion of a structure below the ground-level. It supports the whole weight of the structure over large area to avoid over-loading of the soil beneath, provides level surface for building operations and increases stability of the building.

Types of foundations:

  • Spread footings- The base of member transmitting load to the soil is made wider in both directions.
  • Eccentrically loaded footings- The foundation runs along a single direction for the distribution of weight.
